What is the Best Way to Order Medical Supplies for My Senior Community?

If you plan to order medical supplies for your senior care home, you’ll be faced with two choices. You’ll either buy your supplies online or buy them at a local medical supply store. Local stores are convenient and easily accessible. You can walk right in, order a product, check it out, and leave knowing it’s exactly what you need. However, buying online offers even greater benefits. For example, you will:

With all these benefits, it’s easy to see why many senior living homes are replacing a trip to the local drugstore with a click onto the internet. But despite the convenience and access, ordering medical supplies online can be challenging, even to the most experienced shopper. Here are some challenges that senior care homes encounter when they try to order medical supplies online.



Not being able to try out the product

One of the greatest challenges senior care homes face when ordering medical supplies online is that they can’t try out the items. This can be tricky, especially when buying supplies and equipment like wheelchairs, mattresses, and cushions. For the most part, they don’t have the freedom to try a product, and return it if it doesn’t match the need.

Luckily, some stores have taken online shopping to the next level. They recreate a brick-and-mortar ambiance by integrating high-res images, product descriptions, specifications, and videos for a seamless customer experience. They also provide stellar customer service, ensuring you get what you were looking for, the first time – whether it’s surgical masks, an n95 respirator, or personal protective equipment (PPE).

Not knowing the right product for a medical condition

Older adults in a senior care home or memory care facility have different medical needs. Some will need standard supplies or equipment, while others more custom solutions to fit their unique medical needs. This can pose a challenge when ordering medical supplies online.

In this case, it’s beneficial to find online stores that can help you identify the right supplies. Work with a store that provides plenty of resources and guides on different products that your residents might need. The guides and walkthroughs will point you to getting the ideal product. You can also check out an online resource site like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that provides helpful information.

Problems selecting the right incontinence products

Many seniors struggle with incontinence issues, which make incontinence products a top priority for senior homes. But the problem is that it’s hard to tell the absorbency of a pad, diaper, or pull-ups via a computer. And the worst part is that incontinence products, once bought, cannot be returned. This can pose a challenge for senior facilities, seeing they buy these products in bulk. 

The best way around this is to work with an online store with an effective customer support service department. You can also try sites that have a free sample program. They send you various products to try out and decide which one has the best style and absorbency for your needs. 

Essential medical equipment for seniors


Senior living communities offer a range of medical supplies and equipment for their residents. But from time to time, seniors may need additional supplies to enhance their quality of life & increase customer satisfaction. Here are some types of essential medical equipment for seniors.

1.     Assistive equipment

Assistive equipment like grip bars in the bathroom and toilet risers are helpful to seniors because they protect them from falls and give them extra stability. Walkers, wheelchairs, and canes also let seniors continue being mobile as they age.

2.     Personal alert system

If a senior is living alone, they need a personal alert system that lets them contact emergency services if anything happens.

3.     Medication reminders

Reminders are essential because seniors take medication regularly. You can get an automated reminder or a simple pill counter online, depending on your budget.

4.     Hearing and vision aids

These aids help seniors remain aware of their surroundings. They are critical when the senior losses their sense of vision or hearing. Hearing and vision aids allow them to enjoy a higher quality of life.

Tips on shopping for medical supplies


1. Talk to the patient’s doctor.

If you want to order medical supplies for older adults, you must talk to their doctor first. This is essential as you may need a doctor’s approval, especially when shopping for condition-specific equipment. Besides, the doctor may make recommendations on where to get the supplies you need. Most healthcare workers know the suppliers you need to reach out to and whether there are lower-cost options available.

2.     Consider using lending programs.

Local lending programs come in very handy when you can’t afford to buy an item outright or when you will only need a specific item for a short while. For instance, lending can suffice when a resident only needs a wheelchair for a short period after surgery. The programs allow you to hire medical equipment or supplies at a small fee, which is cost-effective. You will manage to acquire medical equipment and supplies that the elderly need at a lower cost.

3.     Keep the senior’s budget in mind.

Most seniors spend their savings on buying medical supplies. It is therefore essential to consider their budget before ordering for them. If they cannot pay for the supplies, you can seek assistance from non-profit organizations, missionary organizations, or healthcare foundations. Low payment plans also come in handy in managing the senior’s finances better.

4.     Check the technical aspects of the equipment

Consider technical aspects like the support a senior may need, height, weight, size, and accessories they prefer before you order medical supplies. For example, if you’re looking for a rollator or walker for an obese resident, you should ensure it will support their weight. Also, you want to check the hand brakes and grips and the height to avoid accidents. 


Self-dependence is very crucial for the well-being of seniors in a community. Choosing the right medical equipment encourages independent living and motivates them to get better. If you work in senior community service or senior living communities, you can empower older adults by giving them the best medical supplies. This way, they will regain their confidence, stay happy and healthy. 

Why is Remote Patient Monitoring Important?

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is changing the healthcare landscape for the better. Today, patients don't have to leave their homes to access different healthcare services. In fact, they can sip coffee in their backyard while their smartphone and wearable devices report vital signs like heart rate, dietary intake, blood sugar levels, etc., to their care team. Doctors, too, can monitor their patients remotely and ensure they adhere to their treatment regime.

That is RPM and chronic care management at its best - no traffic, crowds, waiting times, extra cost, stress, etc. Smartphones and wearable devices allow medical systems to offer remote care for relaxed, engaged patients while real-time health data, like beats per minute, is sent to the care team.

Years of studies and documentation by many experts including federal government officials have shown that remote patient monitoring (RPM) can improve patient outcomes for those suffering from chronic conditions like heart failure, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and COPD. According to these studies, remote patient monitoring is among the most effective and efficient tools for chronic disease management for seniors, especially those with these diseases.

What is remote patient monitoring?


RPM uses digital technologies to track and capture patient’s health data and transmit the data to providers for assessment and, when necessary, instructions and recommendations. It allows medical providers to monitor real-time changes in patient’s data remotely once they’re discharged from the hospital. RPM is a critical part of the wider telehealth industry and eHealth domain.

Remote patient monitoring focuses on patients with chronic diseases or in rural areas with limited access to hospitals. Providers also use it to monitor senior and post-operative patients.

According to studies, RPM can:

With RPM, healthcare providers can monitor patients in their homes, on vacation, at work, etc., using monitoring devices like:

The importance of remote patient monitoring


Enhances doctor-patient communication

Communication between patient and doctor is critical in healing and recovery. Remote patient monitoring facilitates communication and forges transparency and trust. It offers a deeper understanding of conditions and treatment, enabling patients to take more control of their care plans.

It helps physicians overcome burnout

Burnout is a real issue in healthcare. According to a Medscape survey before COVID-19, about 50% of doctors experienced burnout. A follow-up survey in September 2020 found that 64% had more intense burnout than before the pandemic.

Many cited time pressures and performing delicate procedures in chaotic environments as the leading stressors. Uncertain patient outcomes and overcrowded, understaffed health facilities were also cited.

Remote patient monitoring allows medical providers to perform routine patient care without physical visits to the hospital or clinic. This redirects resources and space from “healthy” patients to those with acute medical attention. As a result, it eases the strain on the system and the stress on doctors - thereby reducing burnout.

Reduces the risk of infection at hospitals

Since RPM is all about monitoring patients virtually, doctors can keep sick people from their offices. This keeps healthy people out of harm's way, especially in a health crisis such as the COVID-19. Patients with acute or chronic diseases that can be managed at home can use RPM. This way, they don't have to make unnecessary trips to the office and expose themselves to infections.

It helps healthcare facilities to grow

Buying medical software and equipment is a significant investment upfront. But RPM pays over time both in terms of growing the practice and offering better patient outcomes. With RPM opened to many Medicare and Medicaid patients, an investment in the opportunity is a good long-term strategy. Experts say this could become the new standard, and patients may start to expect their insurance company to support RPM.

Ensures patients get personal, proactive care

Remote patient monitoring is proactive care. It tracks the patient’s vitals, performs disease-specific analysis, and answers health questions while keeping the care team advised. Patients enjoy better service for their health problems, and providers get to monitor health patterns and detect treatable issues before they escalate into emergencies.


It optimizes time spent with patients

With remote patient monitoring technology, providers need not spend time measuring vitals and asking questions. That’s because they already have the patient data at hand. So, in-person meetings are spent answering questions and making the most out of the time. And when providers have fewer tasks, they are less likely to burn out.

For instance, devices like smart scale detect water retention in patients managing congestive heart failure. Any changes might prompt the physician to prescribe a diuretic, increase the dosage, or call the patient in for a visit.

Offers cost savings and reduced hospitalization

RPM has the potential to minimize hospitalization and readmissions as it allows caregivers to monitor patients remotely. This reduces costs for both patients and healthcare systems. It also increases Medicare coverage reimbursement rates and helps hospitals improve their industry reputation.

According to one report, widespread adoption of RPM could save the US as much as $6 billion annually. RPM helps deal with age-related health issues, which account for nearly 90% of US healthcare costs. That’s because it allows care to be moved out of hospitals into homes. When facilities cut on costs, the savings trickle down to patients.

Improves patient outcomes

Possibilities with remote patient monitoring are diverse. The technologies can detect out-of-range values that can be alarming and identify trends that point to the need for changing care plans. They also offer coaching on everyday choices like exercise that tend to be ignored despite their significance on chronic condition management. Patient support ensures a better quality of care and can improve outcomes.

Caring for Someone with Alzheimer’s in Assisted Living

Alzheimer’s is a disease of the brain. It causes large numbers of cells in the brain to die. This impacts an individual’s ability to think clearly and remember things. People with Alzheimer’s disease are forgetful and easily confused. They behave in odd ways and may have difficulties concentrating. These issues worsen as the illness progresses, making your job as a caregiver harder.

An estimated 5.8 million Americans 65 years and older lived with Alzheimer’s dementia in 2020. According to the CDC, Alzheimer’s disease is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States. It affects the part of the brain that controls thought, language, and memory. Over time, the disease impacts one’s ability to execute daily activities. Sometimes, it makes them aggressive, incontinent, or wander a lot. Families that cannot meet all the needs of an Alzheimer’s patient often consider long-term care facilities like an assisted living home.

What is Alzheimer’s disease?


Alzheimer’s is a progressive and irreversible brain disorder that gradually destroys a person’s thinking and memory skills. In later stages of the disease, patients lose the ability to execute even the simplest tasks. Alzheimer’s is the most common type of dementia among older people, ages 65+. But it can still affect people between ages 30 and 60.

This article will highlight some of the things to keep in mind when caring for someone with Alzheimer’s. But before we do that, let’s look at the different stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

Stages of Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease can be mild, moderate, or severe. The symptoms worsen as the disease progresses, bringing new challenges to you as a caregiver. Knowing the stages and their associated symptoms can help you plan ahead.

Mild (preclinical)

Patients with early-stage or mild Alzheimer’s disease can still function independently. They can participate in social and professional activities. But they’ll have a hard time focusing or remembering recent events. Most will also forget certain names or words and have difficulties writing and solving problems.

Moderate (mild cognitive impairment MCI)

At this stage, the patient experiences significant confusion, memory loss, and physical symptoms. They will have a hard time recognizing close friends and family.  Organizing, following instructions, and performing regular tasks will become very difficult. Patients may also wander or get lost, become restless, or have trouble falling asleep. Other symptoms of moderate Alzheimer’s include personality changes and fecal or urinary incontinence.

Severe (Alzheimer’s dementia)

Patients with severe Alzheimer’s lose the ability to carry out most or all of their basic activities. So they’ll need help with daily life activities like walking, eating, and sitting up. At this stage, they may not be able to engage in conversation or recognize their family members. Chewing and swallowing become a problem too.


Things to bear in mind when caring for an Alzheimer’s patient in assisted living

Today, more than 50% of residents in assisted living facilities have some form of cognitive impairment or dementia, including Alzheimer’s. If you are a caregiver in one of such facilities, you should always remember that the disease is what causes the changes, and not the person. Here are a few things to keep in mind when caring for someone with Alzheimer’s in assisted living.


Your patience and sensitivity go along way

Dressing, eating, and grooming will become challenging as the disease progresses. The loss of privacy and independence that comes with the condition can be a hard transition for the resident with dementia. Your sensitivity, patience and understanding will help him or her through it. Once you are done helping with the daily tasks, you may want to think about the patient’s abilities. Then encourage them to do as much as they can – and be ready to help when the need arises.

Meltdowns are common

As the disease progresses, it becomes harder for the patient to communicate. He or she may want you to warm the food or turn down the volume. But because they cannot express their needs, they may end up lashing out in anger. In some cases, these residents experience pain and discomfort, lack of sleep, or they’re just not in sync with their routines. So you should understand this and handle any meltdown situation with professionalism and positivity. You can lower the occurrence of such issues by keeping the resident on a regular routine and ensuring they’re comfortable. Try to:


Reminders and logic may not work

When caring for a resident with Alzheimer’s, you may find yourself trying to help them act as they would normally. For instance, you may want to remind them of facts or a conversation when they say something that’s off and so on. But this will only make things worse. Alzheimer’s is confusing and scary for the patient. Trying to use reason or logic to explain why they’re wrong will likely make them defensive, agitated, angry, or difficult. So it’s best to respect and join them in their new reality – and focus more on their emotions as opposed to words.

Nutrition is essential

People with Alzheimer’s may not need a special diet in the initial stages. But as the disease progresses, weight loss and loss of appetite may become concerns. Experts recommend serving finger foods, high-calorie healthy meals, and multivitamins. In the later stages, the patient may have difficulty chewing and swallowing. This is a big problem because if he or she chokes, the food might go into the lung, causing pneumonia. So, it’s best to prepare foods that are not hard to chew and swallow. Also, provide drinks with high water content, like smoothies, soups, and fruits.

What is the Future of Nursing Home Businesses?

The Coronavirus has changed the way we do things, albeit temporarily. Soon enough, things will settle down and life will pretty much go back to the way it used to be – at least for other industries. The senior care industry, however, may never return to the old normal. With that being said, what is the future of nursing home business going to be like?

The COVID-19 pandemic has dealt significant blows to the senior care industry. According to an ABC News analysis of the latest public health data, nursing homes in America have persisted as one of the pandemic's deadliest environments. As of May 31, 2020, there were a total of 95,515 confirmed and 58,288 suspected cases of COVID-19 in 88% of 15,400 Medicare and Medicaid eligible nursing homes. Of this number, 31,782 succumbed to COVID related complications.

Today, many nursing homes across the US remain on lockdown. The devastation, advocates and experts say, underscore longstanding problems with a system that, even in normal times, struggles with neglect, poor infection control, and understaffing. Now, the pandemic has fuelled calls for more drastic solutions, some have called for abolishing nursing homes altogether.

Advocates question the need for nursing homes, especially since many believe seniors aren't receiving proper care in these facilities. Their effort to deinstitutionalize nursing homes – which has had some success – pushes for in-community and home care options for disabled adults who need long-term care.

Along with new challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic, the senior care industry is changing in major ways.

But the pandemic isn't the only problem facing the senior care industry. There are also some daunting economic and policy challenges that arise due to the growing baby boomer population. Again, many facilities were struggling with thin profit margins before the pandemic. Others were struggling to offer quality care or to stay afloat, and so on.

Of course, with all these things happening in the senior care industry, it only makes sense to wonder what the future holds for the nursing home business. This is especially true if you are considering investing in the industry. In this article, we will dive deeper into what's happening now and what the future looks like to give you an idea of what to expect.

What is a nursing home?

A nursing home is a place where those who don't need to be in a hospital but can't access home care go. Most of these nursing homes have skilled nurses and aides on hand 24 hours a day. They offer custodial care, like helping the elderly get in and out of bed, bathing, dressing, and even feeding. They also provide skilled nursing services like medical monitoring and treatment to improve older people's quality of life.

Estimates indicate that the number of Americans aged 65 and older will almost double from 52 million to 95 million between 2018 and 2060. By this time, the older adults will account for 23% of the population. With more seniors living longer than ever before, there has been a rise in the number of seniors needing nursing home or assisted living care. This explains why investing in senior living facilities is a good idea - but with a catch.

The state of nursing home business today

Nursing homes fulfill a need that is never going to go away – caring for the elderly. For as long as there are seniors, there will be facilities to help cater to their needs. But as we mentioned earlier, the pandemic has exposed the inherent flaws in these homes. Up until now, the country is still struggling to contain the outbreak. So we may not be in the best position to predict the actual backlash and the regulations that will be in place to ensure that these facilities are well prepared to handle any infectious disease outbreak in the future.

As the senior population is expected to boom in the coming decade, the importance of safe, effective elder care is paramount.

As we mentioned earlier, many nursing homes were struggling with thin profit margins before the pandemic. But now, they have to spend more money on protective equipment and technology to connect residents with loved ones who can no longer visit. They also have to redesign their spaces to optimize infection control, and for some, this may mean losing beds. Add that to the rising demand to increase staff and pay, and it becomes expensive for these facilities to operate efficiently.

The revenues have also gone down because facilities are only enrolling a few residents to reduce the risk of infection. This spreads the already thin profit margins even further, making it hard for some to pay bills without government help. And even with government programs like Medicaid, operators still have a hard time because these payments don't always match up with care costs.

The future of nursing home business

Nursing homes play an essential role today, as they will in the coming days. Many seniors stay in these facilities because of various reasons. Some have an underlying health care problem that needs skilled hands. Others don't have a family member close by to help with daily tasks. But the trend is quickly changing as more families and their elderly loved ones start to opt for in-home care.

According to one report, residents are moving out of senior living homes faster than those moving in. Seniors and their loved ones are responding to at least three trends:

In-home care is becoming a popular option for many seniors and their families as technology bridges the gap between patient and effective medical care.

This shift to home care will see many people embrace vast health care technologies to monitor and care for their loved ones at home. The Internet of medical things is widespread today. It allows people to do a range of things, including monitoring vital signs, routine tests, exercise, and even sending alerts in case of an issue. A good example is a wearable device that lets senior adults monitor their heart rate, sugar levels, and so on. Such tools allow older adults to send real-time medical alerts, making it easier to receive timely care. Motion sensors are another excellent example of modern care technology that's transforming the senior care world.

Owing to these trends, analysts predict that the nursing home sector will see a massive ownership shakeout, with some even going out of business because of the thinning of profits. There's a bit of conflict, though, as to whether this will lead to a net decline in beds or ownership consolidation – or both.

While the pandemic did not create the challenges facing nursing homes, it did expose them in a “not so good” way. Both federal and state governments made steps to help weather the storm; as the pandemic's depth became more evident, the federal government polished its policies and increased resources for facilities and states. The makers of policies should now review the entire strategy to see what works and what should be included in the long-term systemic change. All of this will greatly affect the future of nursing home business.

With an increasing elderly population and looming state budget cuts, the system is at risk of continued deterioration – including limited oversight, less access to essential services, and worsening of the understaffing situation. The pandemic placed the system on trial and despite all the effort to keep everything afloat, that system failed. Whether the system will stand the test of time or not is all dependent on responsible parties to make bold and lasting changes.