5 Tech Gifts for Seniors That Could Save Their Life

Tech gifts for seniors are great gifts – modern technology even has the potential to save a life. Seniors are embracing technology at a fast rate, and it’s changing their lives for the better. According to one study, the use of technology by the elderly population significantly contributes to a better quality of life; ensuring seniors are happier, healthier, and safer.

Many tech devices exist in the market today, and people are taking advantage of them. Care communities are already using a range of artificial intelligence-powered tools like sensors, robots, and software to address various senior needs. For example, they’re using monitoring devices to collect residents’ data more easily. Sensors and other AI-powered devices also give healthcare professionals better visibility into resident’s health and so on.

While it comes to tech for seniors, there’s nothing like one-size-fits-all. It’s therefore essential to consider the physical needs, lifestyle, and interests of the senior before picking a tech gift. A good example is a GPS for dementia patients or webcam for isolated residents in senior living communities. With that in mind, here are the top 5 tech gifts for seniors that could save their lives.

Fall monitor

fall monitor is one of the best tech gifts for seniors since it could save their lives with emergency response. That’s because falls – or the fear of them – can have a heavy impact on the quality of life of older adults. Your loved one, like other seniors, may be afraid of falling and, as a result, limit their social activities and engagements.

This may result in forced social isolation, physical decline, feelings of helplessness, and depression. But with a fall detection device at hand, your loved one might feel free to move around, knowing that help is just around the corner, should they fall.


A fall detection device is a thoughtful tech gift for seniors, especially since slips and falls are prevalent as adults age. According to the CDC, an adult aged 65+ suffers a fall every second in the US.

From these falls, more than 32,000 die, and 1 in 5 end up with an injury like a head injury or broken bone. An automatic fall detection system ensures older people get help fast when they fall. This could mean the difference between life and death.

The best part is that fall detection devices are often built into wearable bracelets, watches, hip-worn devices, or pendants. So, they aren’t just a lifesaver but also a beautiful addition to their overall look. Most fall detectors automatically detect falls, making them a perfect gift for the elderly.

Easy Webcam

An Easy webcam is yet another best tech gift for seniors that can help with recording video or webcam monitoring. Studies have shown that older people who regularly communicate with their loved ones are generally happier and healthier. They also experience low anxiety, depression, and chronic illness and have better cognitive health, increased longevity, and improved mobility.

Staying connected is especially critical to the quality of life in memory care. According to an Alzheimers.net post, dementia patients can recall how an event made them feel, even when they can no longer remember names and faces.

But maintaining close contact with your loved one who lives far away or in an assisted living home can be hard. That’s when an easy webcam can make a huge difference. Gifting your loved one with a webcam shows your desire to engage them face-to-face.

With such a tech gift, you can keep in touch with the seniors in your life while seeing their faces and expressions. It’s a more personal experience than a traditional phone conversation and a perfect way to maintain a long-distance relationship.

With a webcam in place, your loved one will be able to interact with the rest of the family and see everything as though they were there in person. But most importantly, it will give you a glimpse into the level of care your loved one is getting. With webcams, you could tell whether they are neglected, abused, or well-cared for.



Watches have always been a great gift choice for years. They are one of those gifts you’re confident your loved one will appreciate. Smart watches are trendy and thoughtful but could also be a lifesaver, especially for seniors. Those designed for seniors can monitor vital signs, play music, answer voice messages, detect falls, track senior location, measure workouts or walks, etc.  

A smart device can handle a range of critical things that matter in the life of an adult. For instance, it will remind independent seniors of important events like doctor appointments or time to take drugs, and so on. A smartphone could do all these things – but a smartwatch is more beneficial since it’s wearable and always with your loved one at all times.

On top of that, a smartwatch provides an early alert of incidents ranging from high stress to heart rate. It also provides continuous daily risk assessment and detects warning signs of deteriorating health issues in independent living patients and those in care services. Some watches can even be set up as fall detection technology. This allows medical attention to be offered at the earliest opportunity.

Home security

If your senior loved one lives independently, then a gift that enhances their security can be a great idea. Seniors often feel vulnerable at home and worry about break-ins and intruders. They may also overlook health and safety hazards like carbon monoxide, smoke, or frozen pipes because of age-related issues. Home security can come in handy in such cases and give you and your loved one some refreshing peace of mind.

A home security system is a significant investment, but one that’s absolutely worth gifting your loved one. This is especially true for seniors with mobility issues, delayed reaction times, and deteriorating hearing. With such a system in place, you can easily monitor the home and allow your loved one to be more independent. Seniors can also easily alert authorities about any medical emergency – all with a tap of a button.

Examples of home security systems in the real estate industry include video cameras, glass and motion sensors, home automation, alarms, lighting, etc.

Smartphones and virtual assistants


Virtual assistants (VA) like Siri and Alexa can be great tech gifts for the elderly. Once set up, these technologies can do so much for the senior. For instance, one could use the tech to call for help, communicate with loved ones, or learn anything. Some assistants can be used as medical alert systems.

The interaction, albeit with a virtual assistant, may reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness. Social isolation increases a person’s risk of premature death.

In addition to VAs, you can buy smart tools like smartphones or Kindles for senior entertainment. This will open up your loved one to a whole new world that’s engaging, fun and diverse.

There you have it, the top 5 tech gifts for seniors that could save their lives. Whether your loved one is getting home care services or is in a short-term or long-term stay facility, these products and services will help ensure a better quality of life.

The Best Ways to Ensure Quality of Life to your Assisted Living Community

The benefits of assisted living services extend beyond activities of daily living. These homes open the world of opportunities and greater freedom for seniors. That’s why millions of families move their loved ones to these homes when home care is no longer a viable option.

As a service provider, you are always on the lookout for ways to enhance the level of care in the facility. This can pose a unique challenge because of varying needs of the elderly. But ensuring quality of life in your assisted living community doesn’t have to be complex. A few simple steps can help you deliver the best experiences to all the residents in your home.

The Best Ways to Improve Resident Care:

Address loneliness


A study by the Brigham Young University found that loneliness can be as deadly as obesity or smoking. Senior isolation may encourage an unhealthy lifestyle, complicate the existing condition and affect cognition. It may also lead to higher cases of elder abuse as perpetrators take advantage of their isolation to scam, steal or injure them. Other studies show that Alzheimer’s almost doubles in lonely adults and that their mental decline was faster.

Going by these studies, addressing loneliness is one of the best things you can do in your senior living facility to ensure the quality of life. Great ways of preventing loneliness include:

·      Promoting social interaction

·      Encouraging a sense of purpose

·      Showing them that they are loved

·      Integrating physical activities like stair climbing, walking, and other age-appropriate workouts to keep the older adults in a solid mental, emotional and physical shape.

Hire enough staff

Staffing is one of the most tangible and crucial elements to ensure high-quality care. Everyone is happy when a facility has an adequate staff-to-resident ratio. But when the facility is understaffed, the team gets overwhelmed and becomes unwilling to offer assistance with activities of impaired adults. They may also become abusive out of their frustration. That’s why you need to hire adequate staff. But it's equally essential to onboard trained staff with a good grasp of residential care.


Embrace new technology

Seniors may have shied away from technology in the past, but not anymore. The baby boomer generation is now widely adopting technology to keep in touch with their loved ones, manage their finances, alert caregivers in case of an accident, etc. They are using laptops, phones, and smartwatches for daily interactions and other activities. There are many other technologies that you can embrace to ensure your assisted living residents have a better quality of life, these include:

Personalize rooms

Personalization is critical, especially in memory care homes. It helps staff know the residents, their preferences, family, and special memories of travel and a well-lived life. It is also vital in the case of residents suffering from conditions like expressive aphasia and dementia. Usually, these people can’t tell their own life stories so their possessions that represent their activities, achievements, and memories can communicate about their past.

For this reason, it is a good idea to allow residents to bring some of their unique and favorite belongings and items with them as they move into the care facility. These possessions will not only aid with care but also help the residents feel at home. In addition to this, you may want to customize the rooms to fit the needs of the residents. Since no single resident has the same need as the other, it pays to understand the needs of each one of them and modify their spaces accordingly. And don’t forget the outdoors and common spaces too. A few things you can do in this regard include:

Provide lots of fun, social opportunities


Spending time and maintaining relationships with others is essential to a senior’s mental and emotional well-being. It can prevent depression which is common with seniors. Studies by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that 7 million adults in the US, 65 years and older suffer from depression each year. And while many aspects lead to depression, isolation and inactivity tend to be the biggest contributors.

Alzheimer’s Association recommends socialization to help seniors maintain brain activity. As such, providing lots of fun and social opportunities in your facility can be a great way to improve the level of care in your homes. Here are a few recommendations for social activities.

Make tidiness a priority

One of the main reasons seniors move from home care to assisted living is to get help with laundry and housekeeping. Providing stellar personal care services is essential, but ensuring that the rooms and surrounding area are in tip-top condition is also crucial. Assisted living homes always need to be clean to create a healthy environment for residents and caregivers. Hiring professional cleaning services can be a great way to ensure your facility stays clean. A clean facility offers plenty of benefits, including:

Emphasize providing quality meals and dining experience

Dining isn’t just an essential part of a senior’s social life in an assisted living community, it’s an important pleasure for them as well. Residents enjoy nice meals in a good dining setting. They also need well-balanced meals as part of their health care. When it comes to resident care, it is the simple things that matter, like eating what they want, when they want, and where they want.

While providing meals for the elderly, it’s vital to take note of their varying health needs. For instance, seniors with heart disease need to avoid processed meals and high-fat dairy products. Instead, they should eat high-quality proteins, healthy fats, colorful veggies and fruits, and low-fat dairy products. In addition to nutrition, you want to create an appealing dining atmosphere that makes residents eager and willing to enjoy their meals.
